Drop by drop, the effect cars, roads and roofs have on Maple Ridge streams is declining.
Thanks to the 2006 Watercourse Protection Bylaw, the amount of storm water that used to rush into creeks and streams, scouring out fish habitat and dumping pollutants, is dropping as builders get used to the new rules that control rainwater.
Two recent townhouse developments about to get final approval, one on 237th Street, the other on 240th Street, both use natural biofiltration techniques to capture the runoff, cleanse it of most contaminants, then slowly release it back into nature’s system.
Such measures are part of all new developments, said Chuck Goddard, the district’s manager of development and environmental services.
GO HERE FOR FULL ARTICLE: http://www.bclocalnews.com/tri_city_maple_ridge/mapleridgenews/news/93439744.html
Dandy products makes some good tools for controlling stormwater and sediment runoff.